Thursday, July 16, 2015

Zinc Counter Tops - Cleaning & Maintenance

A commonly asked question by potential (and current) zinc countertop owners is: how do I clean and maintain a zinc countertop?
Zinc can be cleaned with any mild household cleaner but avoid anything with ammonia, bleach or citric acids. these products can etch and damage the surface.
Realistically, the best thing to use is a mild soapy water (dish-soap) solution. After cleaning, the countertops should be wiped dry.
One thing that is often overlooked is simple maintenance. Without some sort of maintenance, zinc will develope an ashy surface and finger-prints will be very visible.
Strub oil is a light-weight specially formulated mineral oil that is designed for zinc surfaces. It keeps the surface shiny, prevent fingerprints and helps the zinc surface to patina evenly.
VM Zinc recommends that any zinc product used as a countertop surface be protected with strub oil after every cleaning.
Proper maintenance of your zinc countertops will ensure a beautiful surface for many, many years.

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